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Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Treatment, Fluid Resuscitation, Insulin Therapy, Electrolyte Disturbances and Complications.

How to Cite

Silva , B. de A. M. da, Vasconcelos, J. L. M., Júnior, C. A. de O., Vasconcelos, D. A., Rocha, E. P. de Q. N. da, Gonçalves, E. M. M., Garcia, G. M., Ribeiro, G. L., Pagliarussi, G. B., Silva, G. S., Santos, K. ketlen A. S., Azevedo, L. D., Mello, L. B., Matos, M. E. B. S., Alves, P. H. P. da S., Giácomo, R. C. C. de, Normanha, R. A., Almeida, S. B. de, Torres, T. da S., & Costa, T. R. M. (2023). EFFECTIVE APPROACHES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS: AN UPDATED REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 4470–4478. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n5p4470-4478


This article addresses the management of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a severe complication of diabetes mellitus. In the introduction, the complexity of DKA management is highlighted, emphasizing the need for updated therapeutic strategies. The methodology involved a comprehensive review of recent literature, focusing on studies and reviews from the last 10 years in major databases. In the development, strategies such as fluid resuscitation, insulin therapy, correction of electrolyte disturbances, and treatment of precipitating factors were discussed based on current evidence. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of patient education, continuous monitoring, and a personalized approach to optimize clinical outcomes.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Bruna de Aquino Morais da Silva , José Lucas Moura Vasconcelos, Cledson Alves de Oliveira Júnior, Daniel Alvares Vasconcelos, Eduardo Peltier de Queiroz Neves da Rocha, Emili Mariane Machado Gonçalves, Gabriel Martins Garcia, Géssica Lima Ribeiro, Giulia Bellinghausen Pagliarussi, Guilherme Souza Silva, Kalielley ketlen Araújo Sales Santos, Leonardo Dias Azevedo, Lucca Bortoletto Mello, Maria Eduarda Bertaia Stefanini Matos, Pedro Henrique Pereira da Silva Alves, Rafaella Cançado Constantino de Giácomo, Rodrigo Alcantara Normanha, Sarah Barretto de Almeida, Thaís da Silva Torres, Thiago Reis Morais Costa