Complications Related To The Retention Of Impression Material In The Submucosa In Immediate Loading Dental Implants Rehabilitations - A Clinical Alert.


Implante dentário
Complicações em implantes dentários
Materiais de moldagem dentária

Como Citar

Sartori, E. M., Vieira, R. A., & Sartori, I. A. de M. (2023). Complications Related To The Retention Of Impression Material In The Submucosa In Immediate Loading Dental Implants Rehabilitations - A Clinical Alert. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 2632–2639.


The increasing use of osseointegrated dental implants and modifications in surgical techniques has increased the number of unpredictable events during and after surgery. Complications are described as intercurrences in the course of the treatment and, when resolved, do not compromise the outcome. However, when unresolved, they lead to the failure of the rehabilitation. A new clinical complication that has arisen in cases of full arch immediate loading implants is the presence of impression material inside the tissues, that can cause dehiscence of the sutures, infection and severe postoperative pain. Therefore, a careful suture should be carried out using the correct suture thread and the correct positioning of the tip of the impression syringe so that the material is not inserted into the tissues. The aim of this short communication is to highlight the necessary care and alert colleagues to the signs and symptoms of this type of complication.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Elisa Mattias Sartori, Rogéria Acedo Vieira, Ivete Aparecida de Mattias Sartori