Abstract: 320 words, which may exceed this number when necessary. The abstract can be structured or unstructured. If the abstract exceeds 320 words, a justification must be sent to the Editor of the journal.
Number of authors: The limit of authors per publication is 12. If the article exceeds this number of 12 authors, a fee of R$ 20.00 per additional author will be charged.
Formatting: There is no need to worry about the formatting process, just follow the template that BJIHS provides AT THIS LINK . If the authors have difficulties or are unable to place the article in the indicated model, the newspaper will charge a fee of R$50.00 to make the adjustment.
Number of pages or text characters: No limits
References: the text can be referenced in ABNT or Vancouver. There are no limits to the number of references.
Submission: Articles must be submitted through the journal's submission system, AT THIS LINK. If authors have difficulties submitting through the submission platform or are unable to register with the journal, they can send their article to or The file sent via e-mail must be in WORD and contain the manuscript with all authors and their respective e-mails, affiliated institution and ORCID (if any).
Original research articles: Unpublished articles with original studies in all areas of health sciences.
Review articles: Articles that address the most current topics in current medical literature. These reviews can be Review Articles or Systematic Review Articles. Critical review articles will only be accepted if requested by the Editor-in-Chief.
Case reports: Clinical cases in all areas of the health sciences, with a predilection for clinical cases in Implantology.
Short communications: Important results or research notice, in a concise format and for quick publication.
Conference proceedings: Can also be considered for publication, at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.
Copies and CC shares: Can only be submitted by the BJIHS editorial board and must strictly follow all Creative Commons protocols and guidelines.
Letters to the Editor: Can be submitted through the newspaper's submission system or sent via email. It is the exclusive responsibility of the Chief Editor to accept or not to publish a letter sent to the newspaper's editorial staff.
Opinion: Article with the opinion of relevant authors in the literature.
Experience: Article narrating the experience about some relevant fact.
Letters of introduction
Cover letters are not mandatory; however, they can be provided at the discretion of the author.
Parts of the manuscript
The manuscript must be submitted in a single file, containing text, images and tables.
Main text file
The text file must be presented in the following order:
i .. A short informative title, containing the main keywords.
ii. A short title with less than 120 characters;
iii. The full names of the authors;
iv. The author's institutional affiliations
v. thanks, if any;
saw. Summary and keywords;
vii. Main text;
viii. References;
ix. Tables (each table complete with title and footnotes);
x. Picture's description;
xi. Appendices (if relevant).
Figures and supporting information must be provided in the same file as the text and can come at the end or in the middle of the text.
Contributions by anyone who does not meet the criteria for authorship must be listed, with the collaborator's permission, in the Acknowledgments section. Financial and material support must also be mentioned. Thanks to anonymous reviewers, they are not suitable.
Conflict of interest statement
Authors will be asked to provide a conflict of interest statement during the submission process. The authors who sent it must guarantee the connection with all the co-authors to confirm the agreement with the final declaration.
Abstracts should not exceed 320 words. It can be structured or not. It must have introduction, objectives, material and methods, results, conclusions and no other information. Commercial / product names should not be included in the summary.
Every abstract in Portuguese or Spanish must be followed by an abstract in English with keywords in English and any abstract in English must be followed by an abstract and keywords in Portuguese.
Key words
Provide 3 to 8 keywords separated by a comma.
Main text of original research articles
The main text should include Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion.
Introduction: Summarize the logic and purpose of the study, providing only strictly pertinent references. Do not review the existing literature extensively. Clearly state the hypothesis and objectives of the article.
Material and Methods: The material and methods must be presented in sufficient detail to allow confirmation of the observations. Published methods should be referenced and discussed only briefly, unless modifications have been made. Indicate the statistical methods used, if applicable.
The clinical trial registration number and the trial registration name must be included in the Materials and Methods in the submission phase.
Authors who have completed the ARRIVAL, STROBE or CONSORT checklist guidelines should include a sentence declaring compliance with the guidelines as a last sentence in the Methods section.
Results: present your results in a logical sequence in the text, tables and illustrations. Do not repeat all the data in the tables and illustrations in the text. Important observations must be emphasized.
Discussion: Summarize the findings without repeating in detail the data provided in the Results section. Relate your observations to other relevant studies and point out the implications of the results and their limitations. Cite other relevant studies.
Conclusion: A brief and succinct analysis on which conclusion the work reached.
Main Text of Short Communications
Brief communications are limited to two printed pages, including illustrations and references, and do not need to follow the usual division in material and methods, etc., but must have a summary.
- References can be numbered in Vancouver style or written in ABNT style.
- The numbering must necessarily converge with the number mentioned in the body of the article.
- If the citation in the body of the text is numbered, the way to reference the study in the REFERENCE category will be in Vancouver style and if the citation is written in the body of the text, the way to reference the study must be ABNT.
The tables must be independent and complement, and not duplicate, the information contained in the text. They must be provided as editable files, not pasted as images. Captions must be concise but comprehensive.
Captions should be concise, but comprehensive.
All figures must clarify the text and their number must be kept to a minimum. The details should be large enough to maintain their clarity after the reduction in size. The micrographs must be designed to be reproduced without reduction and must be worn directly on the micrograph with a linear size scale, arrows and other designators, as needed. Each figure must have a caption.
Although authors are encouraged to send the highest quality numbers possible, for the purposes of peer review, a wide variety of formats, sizes and resolutions are accepted.
number of authors
There are no limits to the number of authors in an article.
It is not necessary to worry about the formatting of the text, just follow the article template in
Font size and type, spacing between lines, columns, etc. should not be taken into account in the text of the article, because if the article is accepted, the journal's publishing system already makes the text adequate to the norms.
Appendices will be published after the references.
Submission of revised manuscripts
When submitting revised manuscripts, authors are asked to highlight the revisions in yellow, instead of using the range change features. In addition, a letter of reply from the author must be provided, including a detailed answer to each point of each reviewer.