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Barra Transplatina. Giroversão. Molares Superiores. Ortodontia.

How to Cite

Ferreira , A. F. A., Monteiro , V. R., Pereira , K. C., Segundo , C. F. A. A. F., Silva , L. S. da, Ferraz , M. do N., Ferraz , K. G., Rodrigues , B. N., Moura , J. A., Sanntana, M. L. G. de, Cruz , L. de M., & Neto, J. P. F. (2023). MOLAR ROTATION WITH THE USE OF THE TRANSPALATIN BAR ABSTRACT. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 4382–4389.


One of the elements widely used in the orthodontic specialty is the transpalatal bar (BTP), which is a fixed device that contours the palate and joins the first molars from one side of the upper dental arch to the other. The BTP can be used in different clinical situations of orthodontic mechanics, due to its characteristics such as easy construction, possibility of three-dimensional control and capacity to solve clinical cases, such as its excellent capacity to correct molar rotation. The objective of this work is to present, through a clinical case report, the efficiency of using the transpalatal bar to correct molar rotation. It can be concluded that in the present case report, the patient presented rotation of the molars and this can be corrected through the use of the palatal bar after a period of eleven months of treatment.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Antônio Fabricio Alves Ferreira , Vinicius Ribeiro Monteiro , Katia Caetana Pereira , Cícero Francismary Almeida Alves Feitoza Segundo , Laura Santos da Silva , Mardel do Nascimento Ferraz , Kethelyn Gonzaga Ferraz , Bhenazyr Nunes Rodrigues , José Allysson Moura , Monyele Lorranne Grangeiro de Sanntana, Leydianne de Mello Cruz , João Pereira Fontenele Neto