Introduction: Atelectasis is a pulmonary dysfunction, where partial or total alveolar collapse occurs in one or more segments of the lung. PTNBs (Pre-Term Newborns) are classified by birth below 37 weeks of gestational age. Preterm infants tend to develop atelectasis in the first days of life and throughout their training, due to the incomplete anatomophysiological formation of the Respiratory System. Preterm premature babies have a smaller number of alveolar units, underdevelopment or absence of contralateral ventilation, insufficient surfactant production, resulting in a compromised ventilation/perfusion relationship. Respiratory physiotherapy is essential within the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, acting in the prevention, reversal and care of patients with complications and pulmonary dysfunctions. Method: This study aims to systematically review the available literature, and demonstrate the importance of physiotherapy in reversing atelectasis within the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in PTNB. Results: The review was carried out through eligible studies found in the Pubmed and Scielo databases between the years 2017 to 2023. Discussion: The results brought into discussion by the authors, exclusively physiotherapeutic techniques, such as increased expiratory flow, contralateral pulmonary ventilation, positioning global, use of continuous positive airway pressure and alveolar recruitment, with the purpose of expanding collapsed alveolar areas, reestablishing the ventilation/perfusion relationship, restoring lung volumes. Conclusion: Therefore, the role of physiotherapy is fundamental within this scenario, through manual and/or mechanical techniques, which result in lung expansion, providing comfort to the PTNB and favoring hematosis.
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