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Down's syndrome; Intervention; Physiotherapy; Motor development

How to Cite

Alves , M. A., Alves , S. R. da S., Almeida , P. M. de, Afonso , G. C. L., & Livramento , R. A. (2023). PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC PRACTICES IN PATIENTS WITH DOWN SYNDROME IN PEDIATRICS: LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 3568–3580.


Introduction: Down Syndrome is a chromosomal disorder, observed in approximately 1/800 births. The most common cause of this syndrome is the presence of an extra chromosome 21, due to an error in the formation of gametes (egg or sperm) during meiosis, altering physical characteristics, and may present several structural and functional abnormalities in the nervous system, which can be evidenced by delays in neuropsychomotor development. Methodology: This is a literature review, the Scielo, Lilacs, Pubmed, and VHL databases were used. Results: Regarding the research quantity, 400 articles on the topic were quantified using the Pubmed, Scielo, Lillacs and Virtual Health Library databases, where they were excluded according to the exclusion parameter adopted in the current work , through the methods and searches, 18 articles were identified that met the inclusion criteria. Final Considerations: Physiotherapy treatment, being designed according to the needs of patients, makes the intervention effective and thus contributes to positive results.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Michael Araújo Alves , Sara Rebeca da Silva Alves , Poliana Mesquita de Almeida , Guilherme Cezar Lobato Afonso , Rosileide Alves Livramento