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Thermography; Stomatogmathic System; Diagnosis, Bruxism and Facial pain.

How to Cite

Silva , L. S., Ferreira , A. F. A., Seixas , D. R., Guimarães , S. de F., Pereira , K. C., Nascimento , J. V. P., Lopes , T. P., Silva , V. F. S. da, Soares , N. dos S., & Monteiro , V. R. (2023). PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY FOR THE TREATMENT OF PERIIMPLANTITIS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 3600–3612.


In the health sciences, the use of diagnostic tools are available to assist in the identification of the pathology, in the treatment and monitoring of the clinical cases presented, so that infrared thermography can be highlighted, which is a tool based on a non-anatomical examination, but rather functional, where its technique consists of a graphic record of body temperatures generated by the emitted radiation. The objective of this work through literature review is to identify the importance and effectiveness in the diagnosis of disorders and muscle stability by infrared thermography exam. It can be concluded that the use of complementary exams such as infrared thermomyography, for the treatment of orofacial pain, is effective because it is able to highlight the regions of body inflammation, allowing the clinician to carry out a better planning of the treatment to be performed. which helps in the final result of the execution of the proposed treatment.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Laís Sousa Silva , Antônio Fabrício Alves Ferreira , Deborah Rocha Seixas , Samara de Freitas Guimarães , Katia Caetana Pereira , João Vitor Pereira Nascimento , Thiago Pereira Lopes , Vinicios Fernando Silva da Silva , Nielly dos Santos Soares , Vinicius Ribeiro Monteiro