Effects of prolonged exposure to electronic device screens on ocular health: an integrative review
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Ocular Health; Prolonged Exposure; Ophthalmologic Prevention

How to Cite

Corteletti Silveira Rodrigues, M., Tesch, L., Dadalto Cabral, R., Ferreira Pires , D., Drago Magnago , E., Louzada Sandrini , T., Féres Varela, O., Pomárico de Oliveira , P., Luchi Roldi , H., & Dutra Moreira, L. (2023). Effects of prolonged exposure to electronic device screens on ocular health: an integrative review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 4092–4105. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n5p4092-4105


The prolonged exposure to electronic device screens has become a ubiquitous reality in contemporary society, prompting growing concerns about its potential effects on ocular health. This article proposes a comprehensive literature review aimed at analyzing both perceived benefits and complications associated with this prolonged exposure. Similar to bariatric surgery, which stands out in addressing obesity, exposure to electronic screens requires a balanced assessment of its impacts to inform preventive practices and clinical interventions.

Numerous pieces of evidence consistently highlight the effects of prolonged screen exposure on ocular health, manifesting in symptoms such as visual fatigue and eye discomfort. Similar to bariatric surgery, which leads to aesthetic and metabolic improvements, the review aims to identify not only challenges but also the potential benefits of electronic screen exposure, including technological advancements and facilitation of learning.

However, akin to complications associated with bariatric surgery, prolonged exposure to electronic screens poses challenges, necessitating a multidisciplinary approach. Visual fatigue may progress to more serious issues, and psychological complications, such as anxiety and disruptions in sleep quality, also warrant attention. Therefore, understanding the complexity of these effects is crucial to guide clinical interventions and preventive practices, ensuring long-term ocular health.

To adequately address the challenges and benefits associated with prolonged screen exposure, this study emphasizes the importance of multidisciplinary follow-up involving ophthalmologists, mental health professionals, and educators. With a balanced perspective, this article aims to inform clinical practice and promote a careful and personalized approach to mitigate risks and optimize long-term outcomes in the digital era.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Matheus Corteletti Silveira Rodrigues, Lorrana Tesch, Ricardo Dadalto Cabral, Davi Ferreira Pires , Eduarda Drago Magnago , Taíssa Louzada Sandrini , Olívia Féres Varela, Pedro Pomárico de Oliveira , Henrique Luchi Roldi , Laura Dutra Moreira