This article intends to analyze the characteristics related to the cult of the figure of Exu, a character typical of African culture, but which has been relevant for a long time in the religious framework of Brazilian lands. In this sense, we seek, through a scoping review, to outline the data provided by the literature relating to the chosen object so that we can understand the concepts of "good", "evil", "Devil", among others, which have been attributed to the character of cults in the texts of Umbanda authors in the 20th and 21st centuries, who seek to draw a standard line for Exu and his cult. Based on the above, the works of the main authors who influenced the concept in literature and, later, in practice, were analyzed, in addition to contrasting with subsequent analyzes by researchers on the topic.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2024 Wendel Johnson da Silva, Camila Eduarda Barbosa Gomes, Paula Roberta Matos Quirino dos Santos, Ariadne Bonfim Soares Lima, Júlia Silva Souza, Valdomiro Junio Soares Ferreira, Eriselma Alves Correia, Jusdewbe Tatiane de Souza Morais , Rodrigo Daniel Zanoni