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alongamento, processo estiloide, crânios secos.

How to Cite

Cavalcanti, J. A., Sampaio, L. C., Siqueira, R. M. de, Moura, C. A., Souza, R. H. R. de, Soares, K. C. F., Braz, M. E. S., Pitanga, M. C. M., Júnior, E. de A., & Ferreira, Émerson de O. (2023). PREVALENCE OF STRENGTHENING OF THE STYLOID PROCESS IN AN OSTEOLOGICAL COLLECTION FROM THE NORTHEAST REGION OF BRAZIL. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 3104–3113.


In Anatomy, anatomical variation is a deviation from the normal morphology of an organ or structure of an individual, and among the various anatomical variations, we observe some in the skull. Therefore, in the present study, we intend to describe the prevalence of styloid process elongation in an Osteological Collection in the Northeast Region of Brazil. For our study, 500 dry adult skulls were used, 182 females and 318 males. All skulls belong to the collection of the Forensic Anthropology Center of the Faculty of Medicine of FAP-Araripina, located in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. To collect the data, the inductive approach method was used with a systematic and direct observation technique for data collection and a descriptive procedure for analyzing them. According to the data, we obtained the following results. Regarding the total sample (n=500), we verified the absence of the elongated styloid process in 471, representing 94.2% of the cases. In 8 skulls (1.6%) we found bilateral elongation. Right unilateral elongation appeared in 9 cases (1.8%) and on the left side in 12 skulls, representing 2.4% of cases. The presence of this structure was more frequent in males than in females. Due to the great importance of this variation for the clinic, further studies in our population are necessary.

Keywords: elongation, styloid process, dry skulls.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Joseph Araújo Cavalcanti, Lucas Correia Sampaio, Raul Medeiros de Siqueira, Cauã Araújo Moura, Raimundo Hebert Ribeiro de Souza, Kaique Cesar Freitas Soares, Maria Evlly Silva Braz, Marina Cartaxo Martins Pitanga, Erasmo de Almeida Júnior, Émerson de Oliveira Ferreira