The unveiling of machismo in the health self-care of the male population
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Condições de Saúde, Masculinidade, Saúde do Homem.

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Pereira , G. H. M. C., Medeiros , N. C., Terto , L. de M. de S., Erlacher , J. V. C. C., Barbosa , M. J. L., Ribeiro , M. A. M., Oliveira, X. M. F. L. de, Poncio , S. N. A. B., Ramos , D. de S., Junior , M. F., & Apolonário, J. M. dos S. da S. (2023). The unveiling of machismo in the health self-care of the male population. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 3042–3054.


The objective is to analyze, according to scientific literature, the impacts of machismo on the health of the male population. To this end, an integrative review was carried out in September 2023, using the LILACS and SCIELO databases through the VHL. The descriptors "Men's Health", "Masculinity" and "Health Conditions" were used associated with the Boolean operator AND, including complete articles, in Portuguese and English, published from 2017 to 2023, resulting in 35 references. After exploratory analysis, 6 articles were selected that met the established criteria. Studies have highlighted that historically, men have demonstrated a lack of self-care regarding their health and a reluctance to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. This results in significant risk factors for illness, as prevention is rarely part of the health care dynamic. Generally, men seek health services only when they are facing acute conditions and already established complications. This situation is a reflection of the still fragile service strategies, aggravated by the social taboos that have persisted over the years. Therefore, machismo is a harmful belief system that impacts not only women's health, but also men's health, making it essential to implement awareness actions to alert men about the consequences that this outdated thinking has on their health, as well how to encourage the adoption of healthier lifestyle habits, highlighting the importance of seeking health services.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Guilherme Henrique Machado Cessel Pereira , Neuma Cunha Medeiros , Luísa de Marilak de Sousa Terto , João Vitor Cassunde Coelho Erlacher , Milton Jorge Lobo Barbosa , Mayra Aparecida Mendes Ribeiro , Xênia Maria Fideles Leite de Oliveira, Sabrina Nayara Andrade Bolivar Poncio , Dayara de Souza Ramos , Miguel Ferreira Junior , Joelma Maria dos Santos da Silva Apolonário