Resistant Depression: the importance of the basic unit in the follow-up of the patient who is being cared for in specialist care in SUS.
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atenção primária; depressão; contrarreferência.

How to Cite

Brandão, P. de O., Morales, J. D., Silva, M. de M., Sarmento, T. G., & Araújo, R. de M. (2023). Resistant Depression: the importance of the basic unit in the follow-up of the patient who is being cared for in specialist care in SUS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 2681–2691.


The aim of this study was to report the team's experience of an unusual case of depression, emphasizing the importance of primary care in caring for patients who are already being monitored by a specialist in the SUS. Method: This is an experience report using the SQUIRE 2.0 protocol, about the 6-month follow-up of a patient with depression at a UBS in João Pessoa-PB. Results: The patient showed progressive improvement, but difficult, in her depressive symptoms during the 6 months of joint psychiatric care. During this time, it was also decisive for the success of the treatment that the UBS doctors tried to understand the patient's interpersonal relationships, especially with her mother, as well as receiving counter-referrals from the specialist, and an inter-consultation with the psychologist who was also following the case. Conclusion: the UBS is able to play a key role in the treatment of users, even if they are already being monitored by a specialized service.

Keywords: primary care; depression; psychiatry.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Petrônio de Oliveira Brandão; Julia Domingues Morales, Maxwell de Morais Silva, Thales Gomes Sarmento, Rossiniê de Miranda Araújo