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Eja, Ensino, Educação, Estudo, Escola.

How to Cite

Dias, R. I. R., Rosa, L. S., Palma, A. L. G. L., Santos, J. P., Brito, S. J. da S., Cantanhêde, F. de L. M., Costa, M. G. da, Nunes, C. M., Santos, B. L., Correia, C. A., vieira, M. aires, & Junior, E. F. de S. (2023). TEACHING METHODOLOGIES IN YOUTH AND ADULT EDUCATION: A SYSTEMATIC AND CRITICAL STUDY. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 2416–2424. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n5p2416-2424


Youth and adult education (EJA) plays a crucial role in promoting educational equality and empowering individuals to deal with contemporary social and economic challenges. In this systematic and critical study, we investigated the main teaching methodologies used in EJA, analyzing their effectiveness, challenges and contributions to the educational process of these students. Through a comprehensive literature review, we identify different pedagogical approaches, including Andragogy, Popular Education, Project Pedagogy, and other relevant strategies, and explore their implications for adult learning. The critical analysis highlighted the importance of considering the specific characteristics of the EJA audience, such as life experiences, individual needs and socioeconomic contexts, when implementing teaching methodologies. We note that although several approaches have proven to be effective in promoting active participation and engagement among adult learners, important challenges remain, such as the lack of adequate resources, the social stigma associated with late education, and the need to adapt teaching methods. to contemporary demands. Based on the critical review, we emphasize the importance of flexible, learner-centered approaches that take into account the diversity of adult learners' experiences and contexts. We propose an integrative approach that combines aspects of Andragogy and Project Pedagogy, aiming to promote autonomy, relevance and practical applicability of the knowledge acquired in EJA. This study seeks to contribute to the improvement of educational practices in EJA, encouraging the implementation of more appropriate and practical teaching methodologies to meet the specific needs of this diverse and sonorous audience.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Renan Italo Rodrigues Dias, Liliane Santos Rosa, Aylla Lorena Gomes Lôbo Palma, Juan Parente Santos, Sávio José da Silva Brito, Flor de Liz Marques Cantanhêde, Matheus Gomes da Costa, Caio Meireles Nunes, Bruno Lacerda Santos, Catia Arantes Correia, Maurício aires vieira, Edson Ferreira de Siqueira Junior