The origin of the word 'bruxism' can be traced back to Greek, where 'bruchein' denotes the act of clenching, grinding, or causing friction between the teeth. Bruxism is characterized by the contact of teeth, either at rest or in motion, in situations that do not correspond to the usual functions of chewing or swallowing. The purpose of this literature review study is to analyze the clinical aspects related to bruxism, including the investigation of its origin, categorization, diagnostic methods, and available therapeutic options. Research sources from the RevOdonto, Google Scholar, SCIELO, and BVS - Virtual Health Library databases were used. The results of this review are organized into four topics: etiology, emotional factors related to bruxism, classification of bruxism, and treatments. According to inclusion criteria, 21 studies were selected to compose this literature review. Several authors agree on the multifactorial nature of bruxism, generally accepted that local causes such as misalignment or occlusal interferences play a lesser role compared to emotional factors, central elements, systemic aspects, occupational factors, and sleep-related breathing disorders as major triggers of this disorder. In conclusion, bruxism presents individual variations, and therefore, the therapeutic approach should be conservative, reversible, and non-invasive, involving comprehensive patient management that often requires a multidisciplinary approach involving dental professionals, psychologists, physiotherapists, and speech therapists.
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