OBJECTIVE: To describe the fundamental role of primary care in women's sexual health and family planning. METHOD: It consists of an integrative review, carried out based on the following guiding question: What is the fundamental role of primary care in women's sexual health and family planning? using the PICO strategy, where “p” population: women receiving primary health care, “I” interest: Assessment of the influence of primary health care on women’s sexual health and family planning, and “C” and “O ” context: Impact of primary health care on women’s sexual health and family planning. The filter used for the searches was with the descriptors: “Primary health care”; "Family planning"; “Women’s health”, using the Boolean operator “AND” and “OR”. RESULTS: The final sample consisted of 6 articles, which resulted in 2 categories: Primary care for women's health in Brazil and its emergence; Importance of primary care in women's sexual health and family planning. CONCLUSION: It is understood that the support of the health professional is of great importance when providing care to women. Comprehensive support must be offered to women, welcoming them into Primary Care and resolving all their doubts.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Fernanda De Lemos Schuler, Bárbara Chrysthyne Dos Santos Quevedo, Thiago Cardoso da Silva, Anna Julia da Costa Kageyama, Gloria Stefani Lins Torres, Emerson Zonel Inácio da Silva, Catarina Pioli Lamêgo de Faria, Rebecca Mascarenhas Santos, Emerson Pellin, Emanuelly Ferreira da Silva, Edenilze Teles Romeiro, Ana Regina Oliveira de Araújo Barbosa, Vinícius Fernandes Liebel