Congenital syphilis: a neglected public health issue
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Pregnant; Public health; Congenital syphilis; Treponema Pallidum.

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Pedon , I. C. Z., Frazão, L. F. N., Pellin , E., Santos, L. S. da S., Delfino, T. G. T., Pedrosa, V. S., Reis, M. R. C. de S., Azevedo, G. C. de, Souza, D. A. de, Silva , I. B. do C., Martini, J., Santos, L. da S., Veras, M. A., & Duran, T. C. A. L. (2023). Congenital syphilis: a neglected public health issue. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 3127–3138.


This study aims to expose the main concepts about Congenital Syphilis, in addition to describing the main signs and symptoms that the disease can cause. A review of articles was carried out in the databases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel System Online (MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), with the following Science Descriptors of Health (DeCS): Pregnant woman; Public health; Congenital syphilis; Treponema Pallidum. Selecting articles between the periods of 2013 and 2023, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, to increase the level of relevance and quality of the review. Due to these descriptions, 1029 articles were found, and the titles, abstracts and results were analyzed. Therefore, filters were used based on: containing main subjects (SC), availability of the broad and complete version, containing keywords, languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish and the period from 2013 to 2023. Even though Congenital Syphilis is a a notifiable disease, many cases are wrongly neglected. In addition to the precarious areas of access to the health service that many infected people need. Awareness about the disease in the popular world is also insufficient. In this way, the disease has been spreading uncontrollably in society and, when unnoticed, it generates serious cases with irreversible complications. Therefore, more measures associated with education and mass awareness are needed, as well as prevention incentives for pregnant women in areas of higher prevalence.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Isabel Caroline Zanatta Pedon , Luiz Felipe Neves Frazão, Emerson Pellin , Letycia Sulamita da Silva Santos, Thaynara Giovanna Tito Delfino, Vanessa Silva Pedrosa, Marcelle Rodrigues Carneiro de Souza Reis, Gabriela Coelho de Azevedo, Daiana Alfaro de Souza, Isabella Beatriz do Carmo Silva , Juliana Martini, Lucas da Silva Santos, Marco Aurélio Veras, Thais Camila Alves Lessa Duran