BJIHS continues to increase its H index on Google Scholar.


H index
Google Scholar

How to Cite

Coelho Paraguassu, E. . (2020). BJIHS continues to increase its H index on Google Scholar. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 2(6), 01–03.


Google Scholar is a Google search tool that allows you to search academic papers, school literature, university newspapers and various articles. Launched in November 2004, it started offering searches in Portuguese on January 10, 2006 [1].

Currently, the Google Scholar H index has become a CAPES evaluation criterion for classifying and ranking journals on the sucupira platform, through the Qualis note [2].

The BJIHS in just one year achieved the feat of having the H 6 index. This means that the newspaper has 6 articles with at least 6 citations within the Google Scholar database.

We are very grateful to the authors of these articles who help to boost the BJIHS metrics and make the newspaper each edition more relevant within the scientific community.


1- López-Cózar, Emilio Delgado, and Rafael Repiso Caballero. "The impact of scientific journals of communication: comparing Google Scholar Metrics, Web of Science and Scopus." Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal 21.1 (2013).

2- Corneli, Cristiane, Cheron Zanini Moretti, and Moacir Fernando Viegas. "TÓPICOS DE AVALIAÇÃO QUALIS-CAPES PERIÓDICOS (2017-2018): NOVOS CRITÉRIOS PARA A EDUCAÇÃO E RECONSIDERAÇÃO DA REFLEXÃO E AÇÃO." Seminário de Iniciação Científica (2019): 122.

3- Paraguassu, Éber Coelho, and Jamille dos Passos Lacerda. "Oral health of the elderly in Brazil: Systematic review." Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences 1.2 (2019): 1-9.

4- Lemos, Pedro, Naomar Almeida-Filho, and Josélia Firmo. "COVID-19, desastre do sistema de saúde no presente e tragédia da economia em um futuro bem próximo." Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences 2.4 (2020): 39-50.

5- Arada, Juan Marques Garcia, and Zenon Coimbra Perez. "Phytotherapy in dentistry: survey of products of plant origin for health oral." Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences 1.3 (2019): 1-6.

6- dos Passos Lacerda, Jamille. "OSTEONECROSIS OF THE MAXILARIES ASSOCIATED WITH USE OF BIPHOSPHONATE." Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences 1.2 (2019): 1-7.

7- Calistro, Lucas Cesar, et al. "Dental care in hypertense patients: systematic review." Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences 1.6 (2019): 152-168.

8- de Cardenas, Anneli Mercedes Celis, and Eber Coelho Paraguassu. "RELAÇÃO ENTRE TEMPO DE USO E QUALIDADE DE VIDA EM USUÁRIOS DE PRÓTESE TOTAL NO ESTADO DO AMAPÁ." Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences 1.7 (2019): 169-191.


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