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Autism Spectrum Disorder, Pharmacological Treatment, Child, Methylphenidate, Cannabinoids, Oxidative Stress.

How to Cite

Pauletti de Castro, G., Campos Menezes, E., Cordeiro da Silva, G., Alencar Pinto Rocha, M. M., Prado de Oliveira, A. F., Santana, B., Teixeira Bono , I. C., do Amaral Neto , E. L., & Araujo Mendes Amorim, D. B. (2023). PHARMACOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES IN THE TREATMENT OF CHILDHOOD AUTISM: AN INTEGRATIVE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 1567–1576.


Childhood autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in social communication, interaction and repetitive behavior patterns. This study aims to carry out an integrative review of the pharmacological interventions used in the treatment of childhood autism, focusing on current approaches. Understanding these interventions is crucial to optimizing clinical management and improving the quality of life of affected children. An integrative literature review was conducted, searching for scientific articles in indexed databases, using descriptors related to childhood autism and pharmacological interventions. Studies investigating the use of drugs in the treatment of autism were included, focusing on recent and relevant approaches. The references were analyzed and organized according to the Vancouver style. Several pharmacological interventions used in the treatment of childhood autism were identified, with methylphenidate and cannabinoids standing out. These have shown positive effects in improving symptoms related to attention and hyperactivity. In addition, studies have pointed to pathophysiological changes, such as immunoregulation, inflammation, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, which may offer additional therapeutic targets for future approaches. The integrative review demonstrates the diversity of pharmacological interventions available for the treatment of childhood autism, highlighting the need for a personalized and interdisciplinary approach. The individualization of treatment, taking into account individual characteristics and clinical peculiarities, is fundamental. In addition, the long-term safety and efficacy of pharmacological interventions must be carefully monitored. This study contributes to the current understanding of pharmacological therapeutic options and offers insights for future research in this field.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Giovanna Pauletti de Castro, Emanuel Campos Menezes, Gabriela Gabriela , Marina Maria Alencar Pinto Rocha, Ana Flávia Prado de Oliveira, Bianca Santana, Isadora Cristina Teixeira Bono , Edilson Lucas do Amaral Neto , Danielle Beltrão Araujo Mendes Amorim