Dental fusion in the deciduous dentition. Multiple occurrence of tooth fusion in primary dentition: case report.
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Pediatric Dentistry
Dental Abnormalities
Fused Teeth
Case Reports

How to Cite

Rocha, A. G., Dias, I. R., Padilha, L. A. Z. D. R., & Zaze, A. C. S. F. (2023). Dental fusion in the deciduous dentition. Multiple occurrence of tooth fusion in primary dentition: case report. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 1391–1406.


Dental anomalies can be characterized as structural changes in teeth resulting from disturbances in the odontogenic process during intrauterine development. The period between the sixth and eighth weeks of gestation poses the highest risk for the development of such alterations, which can affect both the permanent and primary dentitions. However, they are predominantly found in primary dentition. Commonly reported signs and symptoms include discomfort and certain complications, particularly when related to smile aesthetics and occlusion. Among these anomalies, dental fusion or synodontia, which is a shape alteration of teeth, stands out. Its etiology is linked to hereditary, genetic, biological, and environmental factors. The aim of this study is to report a rare occurrence of multiple incomplete and complete dental fusions involving eight primary teeth in a 3-year-old male child. The methodology included a detailed medical history, physical examination, supplementary examinations with periapical radiographs, and photographic documentation. Due to the patient's young age, a conservative approach was chosen, along with guidance for guardians regarding the nature of the anomaly and the importance of proper oral hygiene. This is crucial as these teeth have larger pulp chambers and small grooves that are prone to plaque retention, increasing the risk of cavities. It is of utmost importance that the dentist is capable of employing the most conservative approach and providing ongoing care to maintain the dental elements in a healthy condition.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Alícia Giovana Rocha, Ires Ramos Dias, Luciana Aparecida Zafanelli Dória Ramos Padilha, Ana Carolina Soares Fraga Zaze