Objective: To identify medicinal plants that help to control symptoms caused by anxiety, the parts of the plants used, benefits, harms, contraindications and drug interactions. Methods: The study was a qualitative literature review that used articles published on the PUBMED platform. Articles that have been published in the last 12 years, written in English and free on the platform in their entirety, were used as a criterion. Exclusion criteria were articles that did not address the proposed theme, bibliographic reviews, editorial, errata and mini reviews. Results: Medicinal plants that showed efficacy in controlling anxiety were mainly Melissa officinalis L., Matricaria chamomilla L., Passiflora incarnata L. and Valeriana officinalis L. Conclusion: Medicinal plants can be used to reduce anxiety symptoms, but it is necessary to use them. them for a while to see the desired effects. In addition, it is necessary to use them with care as they can cause adverse effects and interact with some medications.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Larissa Lima Paz, Kelly Naiane de Lima Oliveira, Ismália Magda de Oliveira Lima, Milena da Silva Santos, Amilton Cajazeiras de Alencar, Maria Gracielda Costa Silva, Maria Janaelvia Guimarães Paiva, João Batista Araújo Silva Junior, Francisco Wanderlei Lima Silva, Lucimary Leite de Pinho, Rodolfo de Melo Nunes Nunes