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Axle. Intestine. Brain. Dysbiosis. Depression.

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Fim , G. M., Silveira, S. Z., Gava , F. D., Fachin, L. C., Chiecon, L. P., Reis , I. M. dos, Silva , S. dos S. C., Ribeiro, J. G., lorencini , V. S., Souza , G. L. M. D., Cabellino , L. F., & Lopes, R. N. (2023). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE GUT-BRAIN AXIS: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DYSBIOSIS AND DEPRESSION. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 704–717.


OBJECTIVE: The present study seeks to analyze the intestine-brain axis through scientific literature, focusing on the transition of nutritional patterns, seeking a relationship between dysbiosis and depression. METHODOLOGY: Bibliographic review carried out from June to July 2023. Literature searches were carried out in the PubMed and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) databases. 209 articles were found and, after the inclusion criteria, 21 studies were selected to be included. RESULTS: The different studies analyzed indicate that the microbiota can be affected by several factors, such as probiotics, diet, antibiotics and dietary factors. As a result, changes in the microbiota, known as dysbiosis, can lead to dysregulation of the gut-brain axis and cause changes in mood, as well as depression. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out studies to better understand the gut-brain axis, with an emphasis on the relationship between dysbiosis and depression, in order to provide a better quality of life for such patients. CONCLUSION: It is necessary to balance care in the face of daily hyperactivity, associated with a reduction in negligence regarding diet, sleep quality and regular exercise, in order to control bacterial proliferation. In this sense, there is evidence that the microbiota directly interferes with the CNS, both in the prevention of diseases such as colorectal cancer, but being a causal factor in chronic inflammatory diseases, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Thus, the microbiome is a system that is evolving and maturing through the different stratifications of life.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Gustavo Marques Fim , Sara Zambon Silveira, Fernanda Dardengo Gava , Leticia Castelioni Fachin, Luiza Pilon Chiecon, Isabela Machado dos Reis , Sara dos Santos Carolino Silva , Júlia Gomes Ribeiro, Victor Salarolli lorencini , Gabriel Lopes Marcondes De Souza , Luiza Fricks Cabellino , Ryan Nogueira Lopes