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Pre-hospital care. Family Health Strategy (ESF). Cardiorespiratory arrest.

How to Cite

Castôr, K. S., Costa, P. N. S., Sabino, L. S., Fernandes, G. X. de A., & Navia, M. N. M. (2023). CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH CARDIORESPIRATORY ARREST IN THE ESF. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 329–336.


Cardiorespiratory arrest (CPA) is a critical medical emergency that requires rapid and effective intervention to increase the chances of survival. The Family Health Strategy (ESF) plays a fundamental role in promoting health and preventing diseases in communities. However, the ESF approach to managing PCR is still a topic that deserves analysis and evaluation. The objective of this integrative review is to analyze and synthesize the existing literature related to the care of people with cardiorespiratory arrest in the FHS. The aim is to identify the best practices, challenges and impacts of the ESF intervention in this medical emergency scenario. This integrative review involved the selection of scientific studies, research and relevant articles through searches in databases, such as PubMed, Scopus, Lilacs and Google Scholar. Descriptors such as "cardiorespiratory arrest", "pre-hospital care", "Family Health Strategy" and related terms were used. Studies published in the last ten years in Portuguese, Spanish or English were included. The results of the selected studies were analyzed and synthesized to identify the most effective practices for CPA care in the FHS, as well as the challenges faced in implementing these practices and the impacts observed on patients' survival and quality of life. The successful implementation of these practices can have a significant impact on the survival and quality of life of people who experience a CA, reinforcing the crucial role of the ESF in pre-hospital care. However, future research is needed to further improve the guidelines and protocols related to CPA care in the FHS, as well as to evaluate its long-term impact.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Karoline Sampaio Castôr, Pedro Nonato Silveira Costa, Laila Santos Sabino, Gabriela Ximenes de Aragão Fernandes, Maruceli Nicole Merubia Navia