INTRODUCTION: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a disease characterized by lack of concentration, hyperactivity and impulsivity and disorganization. Treated through medication therapy and psychotherapy. OBJECTIVES: Address the challenges faced by patients with ADHD who use cannabis. METHODS: Integrative review, carried out based on the guiding question: "What are the main challenges faced by medicinal cannabis in people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?", through articles in Portuguese and English, published between 2018 and 2023, originating from the MEDLINE, HomeoIndex, IBECS databases. Data collection took place in September 2023 RESULTS: The sample consisted of 7 articles, which denoted two nuclei: Self-medication and related difficulties in individuals diagnosed with ADHD; Medicinal Cannabis and challenges faced. CONCLUSION: It is understood that there is a lack of research related to the subject addressed, which is why many patients resort to the use of cannabis, which is why early identification of the disease is necessary, in order to be able to treat it in the best possible way. way, with proven scientific methods.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Fernanda de Lemos Schuler, Aline Marinho Vasconcel, Pedro Henrique de Morais Manso, Leandro Venâncio Brito, Gabriel Nunes Melo Assunção, Arthur Souto Ramos, Teresa Victória Costa da Silva, Ana Júlia de Aquino Queiroz, Maria Cecília Santos da Silva, Igor Carvalho Viana, Emanuelly Ferreira da Silva, Bruna Luísa Palhares Gomes, Karen Maia Fazoli, Alencar Pereira Dos Santos