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Diagnóstico Clínico; Epilepsia; Idoso.

How to Cite

Klüber, I., Hirota , A. B., Fernandes , I., Martoni , C. B. de O., Ogasawara , L. K., Basaglia , T. R. F., Maranhão , J. C. A. de S., Kobarg , L. F. R., Santos , L. P. G. dos, Ferro , M. E. R., Balan , A. B., Dvojatzki , V., & Pardin , E. P. (2023). EPILEPSY IN THE ELDERLY: AN INTEGRATIVE REVIEW ABOUT THE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND CHALLENGES IN DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 80–90. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n5p80-90



The portion of the population made up of older people is experiencing the greatest annual growth. In several developed nations, they already represent about 30% of the total population. The incidence of epilepsy among the elderly is 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year, although this figure is probably underestimated due to the accurate underdiagnosis of epileptic seizures. Comparing this incidence with that in childhood, it is clear that it is twice as high at age 70 and triples at age 80. This article consists of an integrative review, which aims to discuss the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy in the elderly, through considerations about the characteristics of the pathology in them, with the aim of expanding the knowledge of the population, students and professionals in the field on the topic. This is an integrative review, in which a search was carried out in the databases. The pathophysiology of epilepsy in the elderly is a complex process and is often influenced by neurobiological and physiological changes related to aging. Although many of the fundamental mechanisms of epilepsy apply to all age groups, there are distinct characteristics that are worth highlighting when it comes to the elderly population. In short, understanding the pathophysiology of epilepsy in the elderly is fundamental to dealing with the challenges of diagnosis and treatment. Aging-related changes affect the way it presents itself, responds to medications and is evaluated.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Isadora Klüber, Akira Barbosa Hirota , Isis Fernandes , Christiano Barbieri de Oliveira Martoni , Lucas Kazuo Ogasawara , Thaísa Rodrigues Ferreira Basaglia , Juan Carlos Arguello de Sá Maranhão , Luiz Felipe Ribeiro Kobarg , Lucas Pereira Gusmão dos Santos , Maria Eduarda Rezende Ferro , Ana Beatriz Balan , Vitória Dvojatzki , Edinho Pereira Pardin