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Physiotherapy, Child development, Motor Skills

How to Cite

Valler, F. C., Grave, M. Q., Motiska, M. K., Costa, F. dos S., Jaeger, L. K., Fleig, T. C., Périco, E., & Sinigaglia, G. (2023). EVALUATION OF MOTOR DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN WITH AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDER. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 2292–2303. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n4p2292-2303


Autistic  Spectrum  Disorders (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by changes in two central domains: 1) communication and social interaction; 2) repetitive and restricted patterns of behavior, interest and activities. Although the motor deficit of individuals with ASD isn’t used as part of the diagnostic criteria, it’s known that they can present different motor impairments. The aims of study was to evaluate the motor development of children aged 0 to 6, with medical diagnosis of ASD. Exploratory, descriptive research, with a qualitative approach that participated 10 children with ages between 34 and 71 months (mean of 53.8 months; SV of 12.97), who were evaluated using the Denver II Developmental Screening Test, in the fine and gross motor areas. Each item in the protocol is classified as: normal, when the child performs the activity expected for the age; caution, when the child doesn’t perform an activity that is already performed by 75 to 90% of children of the same age and, delay, when the child doesn’t perform an activity that is performed by more than 90% of children of the same age. None of the evaluated children presented a “normal” final result. In the “fine-adaptive motor” area, 90% of the children showed delays and 70% showed caution; In the “gross motor” area, 40% of the children showed delays and 60% showed caution. Children with ASD showed delays in the fine and gross motor areas, according to the protocol, when compared to the motor development of typical children.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Fernanda Carolina Valler, Magali Quevedo Grave, Martina Konzen Motiska, Francine dos Santos Costa, Lydia Koetz Jaeger, Tania Cristina Fleig, Eduardo Périco, Giovana Sinigaglia