Thromboembolism as a factor associated with the use of hormonal contraceptives.
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Anticoncepcional Hormonal; Fatores de Risco; Tromboembolismo.

How to Cite

Venâncio , D. S. S., Alves , T. V. de O., Soares, J. R., Soares, R. C., Carvalho, C. P. de, Formiga, C. M. O. M., Valente , C. de S., Souza , A. R. L. de, Silva , C. S. da, Mendes, R. V. C., Brito, V. S. de A., Jarussi , M. B., & Santana, A. L. B. de. (2023). Thromboembolism as a factor associated with the use of hormonal contraceptives . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 2317–2328.


INTRODUCTION: Hormonal contraceptive methods are constantly used nowadays, with a view to contraception. In developed countries such as the United States, there is a range of around 18% of use of different methods among women. In developing countries like Brazil, this percentage reaches up to 75%. OBJECTIVE: To present, according to scientific literature, the main factors associated with the use of contraceptives in the development of thromboembolism. METHODOLOGY: This is a qualitative study, it refers to an integrative review of the literature, presenting a synthesis of the studies analyzed in full, organizing them for the elaboration of results regarding the established theme, being carried out in the month of September 2023. RESULTS: The development  of  Thromboembolism  caused  by  the  various oral  contraceptive methods  is  evidenced  through  studies that  demonstrate  the  serious  risks  to  female  health, requiring  greater caution  in the use  of  hormonal  and emergency  pills. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: Therefore, it is noted that the use of hormonal contraceptives brings benefits such as preventing conception, however it can be a major factor in the development of thromboembolism.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Diego Sigesfredo Santos Venâncio , Tatiane Vilela de Oliveira Alves , Joyce Rafaela Soares, Rebeca Chaves Soares, Carina Pereira de Carvalho, Cristina Maria Oliveira Martins Formiga, Camila de Souza Valente , Andressa Regina Luz de Souza , Carolina Souza da Silva , Regina Vitória Costa Mendes, Victoria Santos de Araújo Brito, Mariana Benicio Jarussi , Arianny Luiza Barros de Santana