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Endodontics. Tooth preparation. Dental technology.

How to Cite

Travassos, R. M. C., Vono, F. M., Papini, H. M., Rodrigues, V. M. de S., Prosini, P., Pontes, M. M. de A., Alves, J., De Sá, E. B. C., Lins, I. C. X., Chaves, A. T. D., Cavalcanti, M. T. M., & De Lima, L. M. (2025). SINGLE-SESSION ENDODONTIC TREATMENT OF UPPER MOLAR WITH FOUR ROOT CANALS PERFORMED WITH VONO FILE. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 7(3), 1396–1404.


This is a case report that aims to describe the endodontic treatment of the upper right first molar with mesiovestibular canal 2 (MV2). A 54-year-old male patient attended a private practice and, after anamnesis and clinical examination, was diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis. Treatment was performed in a single session, starting with anesthesia, absolute isolation and access surgery. After locating all canals with the The Finder ultrasound insert (Helse, Brazil), chemical-mechanical preparation was performed with the Vono file system: enlargement of the cervical and middle thirds with Vono rotary file # 15.08, and upon reaching the apparent length of the tooth, foraminal electronic odontometry was performed. Preparation was then conducted with Vono files numbers # 15.03, # 20.04 and # 25.04 and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite irrigating solution. The obturation technique of choice was a single cone, with Sealer Plus resin cement (MK Life, Brazil). Coronal shielding was performed at the end of the session. It was concluded that the Vono files provided excellent modeling of the root canals, facilitating the obturation of the root canal system, including the MV2.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2025 Rosana Maria Coelho Travassos, Filipe Martins Vono, Henrique Martins Papini, Verônica Maria de Sá Rodrigues, Priscila Prosini, Mônica Maria de Albuquerque Pontes, Josué Alves, Emmanuel Brito Carvalho De Sá, Izabella Christina Xavier Lins, Adriane Tenório Dourado Chaves, Maria Tereza Moura Cavalcanti, Lorena Maranhão De Lima


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