The fragmentation of health services in Brazil has been one of the main challenges for the effectiveness of the Unified Health System (SUS), making the implementation of Health Care Networks (HCN) necessary as a strategy to ensure continuity of care and comprehensiveness of assistance. This study aims to analyze the challenges and prospects for the consolidation of HCN in the country, investigating the main obstacles that compromise its effectiveness and proposing strategies for its strengthening. The research was conducted through a literature review in scientific databases, using specific descriptors and Boolean operators to optimize article selection. The results indicate that the qualification of professionals, the adoption of technologies for care monitoring, and the improvement of articulation between levels of care are essential factors for the efficiency of HCN. However, the lack of investment in infrastructure, barriers to service access, and the discontinuity of public policies compromise the effectiveness of this care model. It is concluded that overcoming these limitations requires an integrated approach and continuous investments to ensure an equitable and resolute health system.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2025 Dálisson Silva da Costa, Manoel Borges dos Santos Filho , Bruna Eduarda Fassbinder Hoffmeister , Giovana de Paulo Domingos Ramos, Carla Emanuele Lopatiuk , João Lucas dos Reis Cozer , Viviane Maia Alves, Thaltama Alcantara Lemos, Gabriela Lopes Silva, Carlos Lopatiuk