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segurança do paciente
profissionais de enfermagem
unidades de terapia intensiva

How to Cite

Santos, A. J. dos, Guimarães , I. B., Machado , I. O., Martins , G. M., Oliveira, L. A. G., Januário, G. da C., & Nunes , F. D. D. (2023). AVALIAÇÃO DO CONHECIMENTO SOBRE SEGURANÇA DO PACIENTE ENTRE PROFISSIONAIS DE ENFERMAGEM DE UMA UNIDADE DE TERAPIA INTENSIVA. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 2444–2455. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n4p2444-2455


Patient safety in the hospital environment has been addressed with relevance and significant attention worldwide in recent years. The quality of hospital care provided to patients and practices related to safety in the care provided sparked discussions on the subject. In this sense, the nursing care provided in the intensive care unit is considered highly complex, therefore, the chances of adverse events occurring are even greater, putting the patient's safety and life at risk. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, carried out from November to December 2022, with the objective of evaluating the knowledge of nursing professionals who work in an adult intensive care unit of a philanthropic hospital in the interior of Minas Gerais on patient safety, using a questionnaire previously prepared by researchers with guiding questions on the subject of patient safety. Of the study participants, 78.3% were women, 60.9% nursing technicians, average age of 32.1 years, prevalence by time of professional training between 01 and 05 years (30.4%) and time of experience in the intensive care unit between 01 and 05 years (30.4%). Regarding the items evaluated, none reached a satisfactory level of knowledge (above 90%), and the aspects with the lowest accuracy by the nursing team were related to patient safety in hand hygiene (55.8%), fall prevention (44.2%), safe surgery (48.5%) and medication administration (59.4%). The overall assertiveness average of the questionnaire administered was 58.1%. The results showed weaknesses in the knowledge of the studied nursing team regarding patient safety, which points to the need to develop and work on conceptual aspects in greater depth, in order to increase the accuracy of these professionals for the effective identification and monitoring of incidents arising care provided to critically ill patients.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Alisson Junior dos Santos, Isadora Bin Guimarães , Isadora Oliveira Machado , Gleida Maria Martins , Luciana Aparecida Gonzaga Oliveira, Gabriela da Cunha Januário, Fernanda Daniela Dornelas Nunes