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Cuidados Paliativos
Determinants of Health, Mental Health, Impacts, Social and economic issues, Development.

How to Cite

Bacelar Nascimento, T. A., Duarte Alexandre, A. D., da Silva Correia, G., Pinto Neves, G. C., dos Santos Nogueira, M. I., Bosco Filho, J., Penha de Jesus, M. H., Marçal, V. de P., Cardoso Santos de Castro, E., Nascibem, J. L., Pereira Pinheiro Pimentel, T. G., Reis Bonafede, J., Reis Bonafede, V. C., Silva Costa, N., & Macêdo Gomes, J. J. (2025). EVALUATION OF QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH ADVANCED ILLNESSES IN PALLIATIVE CARE: Systematic Review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 7(3), 152–170. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2025v7n3p152-170


Introduction: The quality of life (QoL) of patients with advanced illnesses under palliative care has been widely studied, as this approach aims to provide comfort, symptom relief and emotional support. Objective: to analyze the assessment of quality of life in patients with advanced illnesses under palliative care, highlighting the main instruments used for this measurement. Methodology: This study was conducted using the systematic literature review method, with a qualitative approach, considering that the systematic review refers to a rigorous synthesis method that aims to identify, evaluate and interpret all available evidence on a given research question. Results and Discussions: Therefore, data analysis suggests that health interventions can play an important role in improving the quality of life of these patients, in which the multidisciplinary team can help reduce physical and emotional limitations, promoting greater independence and well-being. Final considerations: Assessing quality of life in patients with advanced illnesses under palliative care is an extremely important area to ensure patient-centered care.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2025 Thamara Aparecida Bacelar Nascimento, Ana Dulce Duarte Alexandre, Geise da Silva Correia, Giovana Cristina Pinto Neves, Maria Izabel dos Santos Nogueira, João Bosco Filho, Marcia Helena Penha de Jesus, Vanderleia de Paula Marçal, Elaine Cardoso Santos de Castro, Jessica Liliane Nascibem, Thais Guilherme Pereira Pinheiro Pimentel, Jordana Reis Bonafede, Vitória Caroline Reis Bonafede, Naiara Silva Costa, Jheniffer Jhulia Macêdo Gomes


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