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Composite Resins

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Hernandes, L. P., Souza, I. R. de, Gremaschi, M. T., Marques Barroso, S., & Felizardo, K. R. (2023). EFEITO DE DIFERENTES LÍQUIDOS MODELADORES NA SORÇÃO E SOLUBILIDADE DAS RESINAS COMPOSTAS: ESTUDO IN VITRO . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 2036–2057. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n4p2036-2057


It has become common among dentistry professionals to use styling liquids between layers of composite resin, to facilitate sculpting and modeling during restorations. Since the quality of these parameters implies the final characterization of the restoration surface, as well as its quality, longevity, and clinical performance, it is relevant to evaluate and investigate the effect of using these materials on sorption and solubility, when they are applied between the composite resin layers. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of the presence of different modeling liquids between the composite resin layers on the sorption and solubility properties. 50 specimens were made, divided into 5 study groups (n=10): G1- Control Group (restorative material without modeler), G2- Adper Scotchbond Multipurpose Bond, G3- Wetting Resin, G4- Resilab, G5 - Signum Liquid. All samples were made using a Filtek™ Z350 composite resin in color A2. A rubber mold was used for disc specimens with a thickness of 1 mm x 10 mm in diameter. A first increment of resin was applied to the mold, condensed, and polymerized for 20 seconds. Then, the application of adhesive and styling liquids was carried out. These were polymerized together with the resin for a time of 20 seconds. From this first layer, another layer of resin was inserted, finishing the samples. After 24 hours, the specimens were polished, and the area of each specimen was checked for the sorption and solubility test. RESULTS: Sorption and solubility values were calculated, and the data obtained were submitted to two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Tukey's post-test, with p<0.05. Based on the results observed in this study and given the methodology used, it is suggested that adhesives with less hydrophilicity, in this case the Scotchbond Multipurpose adhesive bond, can be used as styling liquids during the fabrication of composite resin restorations.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Lavínia Prado Hernandes, Isabela Rocha de Souza, Morgana Thais Gremaschi, Sabrina Marques Barroso, klissia Romero Felizardo