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Kangaroo Method; Early Neonatal Mortality; Newborn Premature; Neonatal Intensive Care Units.

How to Cite

Pardin, E. P., Gontarz, L. F., Pereira, F. A., Dranka, V. A., Oliveira, R. R. de, Ribeiro, C. A., Faria, C. D. de, Oliveira, M. R. de, Retroz, F. F., Haag, A., Santos, E. G. C. M. dos, Fernandes, C. A. C., & Belai, A. E. M. (2023). KANGAROO METHOD AS A STRATEGY FOR REDUCING MORTALITY OF PREMATURE OR LOW WEIGHT INFANTS: INTEGRATIVE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 1440–1450. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n4p1440-1450


Globally, prematurity and low birth weight represent a significant challenge, with approximately 20 million babies affected each year, of which a third do not survive their first year of life. Neonatal mortality accounts for approximately 70% of these losses. However, the Kangaroo Method emerges as a promising strategy to reverse this scenario. This article consists of an integrative review, in which it aims to analyze the influence of the Kangaroo Method as a strategy to reduce the mortality of premature or low birth weight newborns, in order to expand the knowledge of students and professionals in the area about the topic in question. The work consists of an integrative literature review, in which a basic, qualitative, exploratory and bibliographic research was carried out in the databases. The transition of life from the intrauterine to the extrauterine period is a highly complex process that requires perfect coordination of all newborn organs. In this context, the Kangaroo Mother Care plays a crucial role, providing this transition in a smooth and gradual way, with the mother assuming a vital role in the care and treatment of the baby, including when they are in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. In summary, the kangaroo care, an innovative approach that involves skin-to-skin contact between the mother and the premature or low-birth-weight baby, has been shown to be an effective strategy in reducing mortality and improving the health outcomes of these newborns. This intervention has been shown to be beneficial, not only in terms of survival, but also in promoting the physical and emotional development of premature babies, as well as in strengthening the bond between mother and child. As a result, kangaroo care is a promising and humane approach to improving neonatal care and reducing mortality in preterm or low birth weight infants.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Edinho Pereira Pardin, Letícia Fernanda Gontarz, Filipe Afonso Pereira, Valéria Aparecida Dranka, Raissa Radunz de Oliveira, Camila Andrade Ribeiro, Caroline Dias de Farias, Maiara Radunz de Oliveira, Fábio Felber Retroz, Aline Haag, Eduardo Gabriel Chaves Melo dos Santos, Cid Antonio Carvalho Fernandes, Ana Elize Mazuchini Belai