Review of the current medical literature about the difficulties facing implantoplasty.
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DOI: 10.36557/2674-8169.2019v1n1p2 (Português (Brasil))


Bone resorption

How to Cite

Figueira, K. da S. . (2019). Review of the current medical literature about the difficulties facing implantoplasty. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 1(1), 2–17. Retrieved from


Introduction: Implantoplasty is the mechanical modification of the implant, including screw removal and surface straightening, has been proposed during surgical peri-implant treatment.

Objectives: The objective of the current review was to systematically evaluate the literature to answer the focused question “Are there mechanical or biological complications due to implantoplasty? "

Materials and methods: The systematic literature search was performed in three databases to evaluate possible mechanical and or biological complications. All laboratory, preclinical in vivo, and clinical studies involving implantoplasty were included, and any complications potentially related to implantoplasty were recorded and summarized.

Results: Laboratory studies have shown that implantation does not result in a rise in temperature as long as appropriate cooling is used, but leads to reduced implant strength in “standard” size implants; In addition, preclinical studies have shown deposition of titanium particles in the surrounding tissues. However, no clinical study has reported any notable complications due to implantoplasty; Among 217–291 implants undergoing implantoplasty, no implant fractures were reported during a 3-126 month follow-up, while only a single case of mucosal discoloration, probably due to titanium particle deposition, was reported.

Conclusions: Based on all currently available but limited preclinical clinical and in vivo evidence, implantation does not appear to be associated with any notable short or medium term mechanical or biological complications.

PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: 10.36557/2674-8169.2019v1n1p2 (Português (Brasil))


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