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Endocardite bacteriana;
pacientes susceptíveis;

How to Cite

Jesus, L. M. F. de, Silva, D. de M., Queiroz, E. V. S., Rodrigues, H. N. S., Sousa, R. R. S. de, & Pereira, C. M. (2023). MANAGEMENT OF DENTAL PATIENTS PREDISPOSED TO DEVELOP BACTERIAL ENDOCARDITIS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 1720–1731.


Introduction: Bacterial endocarditis (BE) is a disease that favors the invasion of endocardial surfaces by infectious agents, producing inflammation and lesions in these structures, which may, in some susceptible patients, lead to uncontrollable and even tragic consequences. The Dental Surgeon in the midst of this reality must be prepared to carry out proper management with the patient susceptible to developing Bacterial Endocarditis and who needs to undergo invasive dental procedures. Objective: the objective of this work is to carry out a literature review on dental patients at risk or susceptible to developing bacterial endocarditis, to study the correct management of this patient susceptible to developing bacterial endocarditis, as well as to understand that dentistry is related to other areas of health, such as Cardiology. Materials and Methods: This is a literature review that was carried out by collecting data and information from articles from 1986 to March 2022. Discussion and Conclusion: Bacterial Endocarditis is a disease that shows us that Dentistry it is fully correlated with other areas of health. Despite being a disease that causes the destruction of the endocardium, its bacteria have oral origin. It is essential that the dental surgeon knows how to recognize predisposed patients, as well as to avoid complications inherent to this disease.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Lara Mônica Feliciano de Jesus, Daiany de Mendonça Silva, Emily Vitória Santos Queiroz, Hanna Nadine Soares Rodrigues, Ravena Richelle Silvestre de Sousa, Claudio Maranhão Pereira