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Pregnancy in adolescence
Family support
Prenatal Care

How to Cite

Feitosa do Nascimento, A. C., Nascimento, B. T. S. do, Schuler, M. F. de L., Costa , Y. F. de A., Rodrigues, I. C. dos S. da S., Pereira, I. S. de L., Freitas, A. E. F. de, Faria, C. P. L. de, Soares, A. P., Bastos, E. H. S., Costa, A. C. M. de S. F. da, & Yepez, J. C. (2023). IMPACTS OF FAMILY SUPPORT DURING ADOLESCENT PREGNANCY . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 1607–1621.


OBJECTIVES:  To elucidate the impacts caused by family support during adolescent pregnancy. METHODS: The present work consists of an integrative literature review, using the PICO strategy, with “p” population: pregnant adolescents, “I” Evaluation of the influence of family support through a teenage pregnancy, the “C” and “O” Context: impact of family support during the pregnancy of a teenager. The filter used for the searches was with the descriptors; (Teenage pregnancy) AND (Family Support) AND (Prenatal care). RESULTS: The final sample consisted of 7 studies that resulted in three topics for discussion: Failures in the professional approach during prenatal care; Importance of professional encouragement for the presence of the support network during prenatal consultations; Adolescents' feelings and difficulties due to the absence of family support. CONCLUSION:It was possible to conclude that family support has a great influence on the care of the adolescent during pregnancy, being a source of emotional and financial support, as well as in daily activities, taking into account the need for this family to be aware of the care that the pregnant women need to take to continue the pregnancy in the healthiest way possible.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Carla Feitosa do Nascimento, Bianca Thaís Silva do Nascimento, Maria Fernanda de Lemos Schuler, Yasmim Ferreira de Araujo Costa , Isabela Carolina dos Santos da Silva Rodrigues, Ingryd Sandrielle de Lima Pereira, Adrielly Evelyn Ferreira de Freitas, Catarina Pioli Lamêgo de Faria, Antonia Pereira Soares, Eduardo Henrique Sarmento Bastos, Ana Carolina Messias de Souza Ferreira da Costa, Judit Callañaupa Yepez