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Oral health
Dentistry for the Elderly

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Cruz, A. P. da, Paz, E. S. L. da, Menezes, M. R. A. de, Paz Júnior, F. B. da, Santana, K. R. de, Prado, V. F. F. do, Barros, J. P. R. A. de, Silva, L. N. da C. e, & Guaraná, C. F. R. (2023). AVALIAÇÃO DA AUTOPERCEPÇÃO DA SAÚDE BUCAL DE IDOSOS EM UM ABRIGO NA CIDADE DO RECIFE . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 1124–1145. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n4p1124-1145


The objective of this study was to analyze the self-perception of the oral health of elderly people residing at Abrigo Lar Batista para Anciões. This is a cross-sectional study, which is part of the extension project entitled “Oral Health for the elderly: a welcoming proposal in the promotion of oral health”. Ten elderly people aged between 60 and 91 years old, of both sexes, residing in the shelter were included. The assessment categories included sociodemographic data and clinical intraoral characteristics. Data related to self-perception of oral health were collected using the modified Geriatric Oral Health Assesment Index(GOHAI) standard. Among those surveyed, 80% were female, 20% male with a mean age of 78.6 years. In 50% of the sample, self-perception was evaluated as “poor”, 30% as “excellent” and 20% as “regular”. The main factors associated with the negative evaluation were the difficulty of swallowing and discomfort in eating some foods, concern about an oral problem and tooth sensitivity. Female elderly, with less use of prostheses and greater tooth loss were more sensitive to the negative impacts of oral health. In the group that had a positive self-perception of oral health, it is highlighted by more elderly males, greater use of dentures, less tooth loss and older age. The self-perception of oral health was considered “poor” according to the GOHAI index.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Andreia Pereira da Cruz, Eliana Santos Lyra da Paz, Maria Regina Almeida de Menezes, Francisco Braga da ´Paz Júnior, Kássia Regina de Santana, Victor Felipe Farias do Prado, José Paulo Ribeiro Alves de Barros, Livían Nayane da Costa e Silva, Carlos Fernando Rodrigues Guaraná