Obstetric violence reflects a global problem, present in distinct and less favored classes, characterized by actions that harm the physical, psychological and emotional integrity of women in this unique phase that makes up childbirth. The objective of the research is to analyze the role of nurses in the prevention of obstetric emergencies in the hospital environment. This is a systematic literature review through scientific articles published between 2019 and 2024, in the following databases: SCIELO.Org, LILACS.Org, Virtual Health Library (BVS), maintaining the descriptors: “nurse”, “obstetric emergency”, “prevention”. The use of this research is expected to present the importance of nurses in the contexts of prevention of obstetric emergencies, through their identification and elimination during the childbirth phase, preventing through awareness and training of the team involved in this process. Nurses are essential for preventing failures and adverse effects in the hospital and nursing care context, and are essential for such technical and practical mastery based on protocols and humanized actions, ensuring quality care and greater safety for the mother and newborn.
Key-words: Nurse. Obstetric Emergency. Prevention.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Luciana dos Santos Moss, Yngrid de Oliveira Pessoa, Blenda E. de Moura