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Prenatal Care
Hepatitis B
Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical

How to Cite

Ferreira de Araujo Costa, Y., de Lemos Schuler, M. F., Cavalcante Gonçalves, M. A., Gois de Paiva, M. C., Mendes Sousa, A., Cândido Bulgo, D., Messias de Souza Ferreira da Costa, A. C., Rocha Roquete, J. V., de Paula Oliveira, G., Telles Romeiro, E., Silva do Nascimento, B. T., & Feitosa do Nascimento, A. C. (2023). ANTENATAL CARE AND ITS IMPACT ON THE PREVENTION OF VERTICAL TRANSMISSION OF HEPATITIS B. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 910–926.


The present study aims to describe the impact of prenatal care on the prevention of vertical transmission of hepatitis B. It is an integrative literature review conducted in August 2023, using the PICO strategy to formulate the guiding question, through consultation with the Virtual Health Library (BVS) and the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) database via BVS and PubMed. The descriptors obtained through DeCS and MeSH, along with their English and Spanish alternatives, were combined using the "OR" and "AND" Boolean operators. A total of 3,010 articles were identified, and after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, as well as removing duplicates and conducting full-text reading, 8 articles were selected for the study. The results highlight that the integrated approach of prenatal care plays a significant role in preventing vertical transmission of hepatitis B, with early identification of virus-carrying pregnant women and the implementation of appropriate therapeutic interventions effectively reducing the risk of transmission to newborns. Neonatal immunoprophylaxis and prenatal counseling also hold relevance, contributing to protection against infection. Therefore, investing in quality prenatal services is essential to promote a more robust maternal and child health, free from the impacts of hepatitis B.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Yasmim Ferreira de Araujo Costa, Maria Fernanda de Lemos Schuler, Marcel Arthur Cavalcante Gonçalves, Myrelle Crystina Gois de Paiva, Andressa Mendes Sousa, Danilo Cândido Bulgo, Ana Carolina Messias de Souza Ferreira da Costa, João Victor Rocha Roquete, Géssica de Paula Oliveira, Edenilze Telles Romeiro, Bianca Thaís Silva do Nascimento, Ana Carla Feitosa do Nascimento


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