Gestational diabetes mellitus is defined as glucose intolerance, with onset or diagnosis during pregnancy. It is associated with numerous complications in maternal health, with a prevalence ranging from 5 to 10% worldwide, which becomes a public health problem. In Brazil, it accounts for 37% of maternal deaths. This study aims to identify the main literary constructs about gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), addressing its risks and implications for pregnant women. This was an integrative literature review, through searches in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) databases, with the insertion of Health Sciences Descriptors (DECS): Diabetes Mellitus. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Glucose Intolerance. Pregnant women. Works published in the last ten years (2013 to 2023), in Portuguese and English, were eligible for this review. A total of 111 articles were found: 60 articles from SCIELO and 52 from LILACS. After a detailed analysis, observing the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 12 articles were selected based on their relationship with the topic and their relevance. The results of the research allowed us to identify in the literature the risks associated with gestational diabetes, as well as the complications arising from the problem. Diabetic pregnant women have an increased risk of developing eclampsia, polyhydramnios due to fetal osmotic diuresis, as well as more complex cases, in addition to possible episodes of urinary tract infection, pyelonephritis and pyelonephritis, candidiasis, premature labor, hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis, need for surgical delivery, and metabolic alterations, which may also be associated with hyperglycemia, increasing the risk of miscarriage among pregnant women. It is concluded that gestational diabetes can bring serious risks to the health of the pregnant woman, including an increased possibility of premature birth and postpartum hypoglycemia, even in its mildest forms, and can extend into the long term, where there is an increase in risks and complications.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Francisco Ronner Andrade da Silva, Bruno Reis da Silva, Deivid Santos Bomfim, Leonardo Martins de Araujo, Welton Gibson Dias Alencar, Teógenes de Oliveira, Heric Gonçalves Dantas, Theresa Lilianne de Sá Barreto Diaz Albuquerque Sampaio, Aionara Sousa dos Anjos, Jônatas Almeida Maciel, Juliana Almeida Costa, Patrícia Araújo Mendonça Bezerra