Dental care in a patiene with Wolff-Parkison-White Syndrome: Case report
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cardiopatia congênita

How to Cite

Aranha Ribeiro, E. de O., Sales Neves, M., Prestes, G. B. R., & Brum, J. R. (2023). Dental care in a patiene with Wolff-Parkison-White Syndrome: Case report. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 511–522.


Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome (SWPW) is a congenital heart disease, preexcitation, resulting from a change in the cardiac conduction process, sometimes causing arrhythmias caused by the bundle of Kent. Characterizing the oral findings, their peculiarities and the treatment of a patient with SWPW, emphasizing the care to be adopted, was the purpose of this work. Male patient, 21 years old, attended the dental polyclinic of the University of the State of Amazonas (POUEA), in the discipline of special care patients, for routine dental care. In the anamnesis, he reported having SWPW, being allergic to acetyl salicylic drugs (ASA) and using Propofenone. On physical examination, aspects of clubbing in the fingers and toes were observed, in addition to polyuria presented by the patient. In the intraoral clinical examination, a coronal fracture was observed in element 47 with the presence of a pulp polyp. The treatment proposed and carried out was the removal of the polyp and endodontics of the mentioned element. Outpatient dental treatment in patients with SWPW can be performed, provided that the peculiarity of the case and the care to be taken are taken into account. It is important for the dental surgeon to promote oral health in these patients.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Eliane de Oliveira Aranha Ribeiro, Marvin Sales Neves, Gimol Benchimol Resende Prestes, Joelson Rodrigues Brum