Integrated Prevention Strategies to Reduce the Incidence of Associated Urinary Tract Infections and Bloodstream Infections in Hospital Settings.
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Urinary tract infections, bloodstream infection, prevention, and control

How to Cite

Rodrigues da Silva, A. C., Pereira Jacomini, C., Carvalho Leite, F., Gomes de Campos , A., Bueno Felicio , F., Fernandes de Carvalho Farias , A., Barbieri, J., Ferreira de Miranda, I., Almeida Ferreira , S., Vicentin Damasceno , E., Souza Capelário , E. de F., & dos Reis Marcelo , A. (2023). Integrated Prevention Strategies to Reduce the Incidence of Associated Urinary Tract Infections and Bloodstream Infections in Hospital Settings. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 482–491.


This article aims to analyze and synthesize, through an integrative literature review, the most effective prevention strategies to reduce the incidence of infections associated with the urinary tract and bloodstream infections in hospital settings. The present work consists of an integrative literature review carried out in June and July 2023. The databases used were: Scientific Electronic Online Library (SCIELO), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) and MEDLINE, seeking articles that addressed infection prevention strategies in the hospital context. The health descriptors used were "urinary tract infections", "bloodstream infection" and "prevention and control". Inclusion criteria were articles published in English, Portuguese or Spanish and studies reporting effective prevention interventions. After applying the exclusion criteria, a total of 10 articles were selected for analysis. The literature review revealed that the implementation of adequate hygiene protocols, the use of urinary and intravenous catheters only when strictly necessary, the education and training of health professionals, in addition to the adoption of standard precautionary measures, are essential to reduce the incidence of associated urinary tract infections and bloodstream infections in hospital settings. The integrated approach of these strategies shows promise for improving the safety and quality of patient care. From the integrative literature review, it is concluded that the adoption of integrated prevention strategies, including hygiene protocols, judicious use of medical devices and adequate training of health professionals, is essential to reduce the incidence of infections associated with the urinary tract and bloodstream infections in hospital settings.
PDF (Português (Brasil))



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Claudia Rodrigues da Silva, Cinthia Pereira Jacomini, Fagner Carvalho Leite, Adilson Gomes de Campos , Filipe Bueno Felicio , Anderson Fernandes de Carvalho Farias , Jardel Barbieri, Izabel Ferreira de Miranda, Silvio Almeida Ferreira , Eliane Vicentin Damasceno , Elenice de Fátima Souza Capelário , Amanda dos Reis Marcelo