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Nursing, Patients, Sepsis.

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de Oliveira Santos, W. H., Bastos, D. S., Marques, T. G., Leitão, J. da S., Guimarães, R. de J., da Cruz, N. R. S., Dórea, B. S. C., de Melo, C. A. V., Porto, C. B. da S., dos Santos, S. M., Castro, D. E., Veras, I. S., Silva, D. A. C., Viera, E. T. do C., de Oliveira, R. F., & Lira, M. E. S. (2023). ASSISTANCE BY NURSING PROFESSIONALS TO THE PATIENT WITH SEPTICEMIA: AN INTEGRATIVE REVIEW STUDY. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 391–401.


This study aims to describe the assistance provided by nursing professionals to patients with sepsis, according to the literature of the last five years. This is an integrative literature review study. The bibliographic survey was carried out between July and August 2023, in the LILACS, SCIELO and Periódico CAPES databases. To increase the scope of the review, the Boolean AND operator was used. The descriptors were used: sepsis “AND” nursing, which are registered in the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) and which were defined according to the proposed theme. The inclusion criteria for this study were original articles published in full, available in indexed databases, written in Portuguese and published between the period 2018 to 2023. After crossing the descriptors with Boolean in the databases, we found 55 studies in LILACS, 23 in SCIELO and 153 in CAPES. After analyzing, reading the articles and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 8 studies were selected to compose the integrative review, as these covered the proposed theme and achieved the proposed objectives. Regarding the approach of the selected studies, 1 was cross-sectional descriptive, 1 observational retrospective study, 1 cross-sectional study, descriptive of a documental nature, 2 qualitative descriptive studies, 1 cross-sectional with a retrospective approach, 1 exploratory descriptive with a qualitative approach and 1 descriptive in nature quantitative. It was evident that many nursing professionals had scientific knowledge for the recognition and management of patients with septicemia. However, some still lack training, as they confuse the signs and symptoms of sepsis with other pathologies and even fail to provide efficient assistance, as they do not carry out a rigorous evaluation of the patient to identify the signs of septicemia.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Willians Henrique de Oliveira Santos, Daniela Souza Bastos, Thaiz Gomes Marques, Jaqueline da Silva Leitão, Roberta de Jesus Guimarães, Nayara Rachelly Cruz, Bianca Santos Cerqueira Dórea, Claudiana Albuquerque Vieira de Melo, Caroline Barbosa da Silva Porto, Soraya Meneses dos Santos, Denise Espindola Castro, Irlane Silva Veras, Deisiane Almeida Cerqueira Silva, Erica Tatiane do Carmo Viera, Rosivalda Ferreira de Oliveira, Maria Elisangela Santos Lira