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Oral Neoplasms

How to Cite

Marques, S. C. S., Veríssimo, M. H. G., Vasconcelos, M. I. B., Veríssimo, M. M. G., Rodrigues, P. A. do C. M., & Lima, R. R. de. (2024). COMPLICATIONS OF EXTRACTION OF IMPACTED OR IMPACTED THIRD MOLARS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(10), 2288–2304.


Surgery to remove impacted or impacted third molars is widely performed, but it can present several complications. Early identification of risks and careful planning are essential to minimize impacts on the patient's health, and communication between surgeon and patient about possible challenges is crucial. This integrative literature review uses a qualitative methodology, with the development of the following research question: What are the main results on the complications of surgery for impacted or included third molars? For this, the following electronic databases were used: PubMed, SciELO, Cochrane Library and LILACS, to search for and identify studies that answered the guiding question of this integrative literature review. This integrative review was based on five stages. Descriptors were used to compose the search key. The researchers then selected the papers with analysis in the title and abstract, based on the eligibility criteria. Then, articles that met the eligibility criteria were identified and included in the review. Other complications include pericoronitis, which requires cleaning and tissue removal, and caries in adjacent molars, which may require extraction. Mandibular fractures, caused by excessive force, are treated with immobilization and physical therapy. Conditions such as dentigerous cysts and ameloblastomas require surgical removal, with continuous monitoring. Finally, bacterial resistance to antibiotics, resulting from indiscriminate use, calls for a rational approach to drug prescribing. The results of this study answered the guiding question.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Suzie Clara Silva Marques, Matheus Harllen Gonçalves Veríssimo, Maria Izabela Brandão Vasconcelos, Marina Mayanne Gonçalves Veríssimo, Pablo Anisio do Carmo Macedo Rodrigues, Ramon Rodrigues de Lima