Aneurisma de artéria femoral superficial
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Artéria Femural

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Lima Costa, R. L., de Faro Ribeiro Santos, L., Santos Schenk, F., Fiuza da Silva, D., Lemos Abbud Dantas, C., Esperidião Tonini, A., da Graça, E., Chicourel Hipólito Rodrigues, V., Alves Barreto, Y., Lira Gomes, V., Lopes Vital, J., Lopes Limley, R., Sampaio Menezes, D., da Silva Almeida, M., & Brandão Oliveira Bloisi, L. (2024). Aneurisma de artéria femoral superficial: uma revisão de literatura. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(10), 2261–2270.


Superficial femoral artery (SFA) aneurysms are a rare clinical manifestation, more prevalent in elderly male individuals, affecting the right limb and may be associated with other types of aneurysm, such as aortoiliac, femoral or popliteal aneurysms. Their main complications may be related to thrombosis, distal embolization and rupture. Due to this high risk, resection and revascularization are procedures that must be performed. Thus, the general objective of this study is to discuss the main aspects of SFA aneurysm. For this purpose, a literature review was carried out using 09 articles on the subject. It is known that when dealing with peripheral aneurysms of the arteries, they can be easily palpated. However, when considering SFA aneurysms, early detection is difficult, due to the location of the medial and distal portions, which are below the muscular fascia and between the sartorius, adductor longus and vastus medialis muscles. Therefore, its diagnosis is difficult, and only occurs when the patient presents symptoms that interfere with their quality of life and/or complications. Complications of this pathology may be present in 65% of cases, with the most commonly described complications in the literature being rupture, thrombosis and distal embolic events. Therefore, early diagnosis of this pathology is important for reducing possible complications that may exist, in addition to enabling the team to develop more effective surgical planning, with a lower risk of morbidity and mortality for the individual. Despite the relevance of the topic in professional practice in cases, there are still few studies, which requires the development of more updated studies on the disease, enabling adequate management and early recovery of the patient, without presenting unnecessary complications.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Renata Luzia Lima Costa, Lucas de Faro Ribeiro Santos, Fernanda Santos Schenk, Darcilene Fiuza da Silva, Caio Lemos Abbud Dantas, Aristides Esperidião Tonini, Elisângela da Graça, Viviane Chicourel Hipólito Rodrigues, Yáskara Alves Barreto, Vitor Lira Gomes, Jessica Lopes Vital, Rebeca Lopes Limley, Daniela Sampaio Menezes, Mirela da Silva Almeida, Lorena Brandão Oliveira Bloisi