Multidisciplinary Approach to the Treatment of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: From Prevention to Dialysis
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Chronic Kidney Disease; Multidisciplinary Treatment; Prevention; Dialysis.

How to Cite

Martins Viol, H., da Silva Campos, J., Del Santo Pedro, M., Gonçalves Nobre, A. F., & Mendes Seghetto, L. (2024). Multidisciplinary Approach to the Treatment of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: From Prevention to Dialysis. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(10), 1989–1998.


This article examines the complexity of treating CKD, a condition worsened by population aging and the rise in chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. The prevalence is particularly high in Brazil, with over 10 million people affected, underscoring the need for a multidisciplinary approach. The aim is to explore multidisciplinary treatment strategies for CKD, from prevention to dialysis, and highlight how care coordination can improve clinical outcomes and quality of life for patients. A qualitative and exploratory literature review was used, collecting data from sources such as PubMed and SciELO. Search terms were related to CKD and its multidisciplinary treatment, combining them with Boolean operators to encompass all relevant perspectives. Research shows that CKD results in nephron loss and increased need for hyperfiltration, leading to renal decline. Early identification of risk factors and management of comorbidities are essential. Treatment involves adjusted diets, use of telemedicine, patient education, and psychosocial support, with kidney transplantation being a superior option for those eligible. The management of CKD requires integrated and multidisciplinary care to address its complexity. Challenges persist in implementing effective public health policies. Collaboration between health professionals and policy makers is vital to decrease the prevalence of CKD and optimize its treatment, promoting a holistic approach that interconnects individual and collective health.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Helena Martins Viol, Jessica da Silva Campos, Marcelle Del Santo Pedro, Antônio Felipe Gonçalves Nobre, Laura Mendes Seghetto