Pregnancy is a physiological process for human reproduction. However, there are some factors that hinder this gestational process, such as Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), which is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance, with the first recognition during pregnancy. This study aimed to identify the factors associated with Diabetes GDM in pregnant women. Through an integrative literature review, descriptive and exploratory based on scientific evidence. Confirming that GDM is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and that it can trigger miscarriage and pre-eclampsia, in addition to causing problems for both mother and baby. The nursing diagnosis in prenatal care makes all the difference, for screening and early treatment, through interventions and health education. It is still of great importance that the nurse advises on the risk factors and thus contributes to the prevention of more pathologies such as GDM, which can be avoided.
Keywords: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus; Pregnancy; Risk factors
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Copyright (c) 2023 Josefa Gisele Lima da Silva, Wanessa Aparecida Silva de Queiroz, Allyson Rodrigo de Oliveira Lopes, Francisca Luana da Silva, Gabrielle Sousa Amorim, Raísa Barbosa de Andrade, Hemelyni Cecilia Gonçalves Lima de Medeiros, Danelle da Silva Nascimento, Adenilza da Silva Barbosa, Dallynne Bárbara Ramos Venancio, Bruno Basilio Cardoso de Lima