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Immediate Loading; Implants; Area Esthetic

How to Cite

Lacerda, J. dos P., de Araújo, I. R. G., Coelho Paraguassu, E., de Cardenas, A. M. C., Vançan, R. N., & dos Santos, A. M. (2023). IMMEDIATE LOADING ON IMPLANTS IN AESTHETIC AREA: LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 03–26.


Because of the importance of aesthetics today, dental implants have become a good solution for rehabilitation in cases of tooth loss. With the advent of osseointegration, case unit edentulous, partially or totally now be resolved in a period of three to six months, dependent on the jaw or mandibular location. However, the need to promote faster results allowed the proposal for immediate application load on implants were considered. Thus, several studies have shown that a single surgical stage in implantology could be as acceptable and predictable as two, resulting in the possibility of placing a prosthesis on implants that have just been set. In this case, they receive masticatory load after surgical and prosthetic stages, which are conducted at the same moment, without a waiting period for osseointegration process. From this perspective, this paper aims to make a literature review on the performance of immediate loading on implants in the aesthetic area, highlighting its benefits and indications. From the qualitative literature review, based on a review of books, scientific articles published, and specialized magazines, it was concluded that the use of immediate loading is becoming a viable therapeutic option, atraumatic, safe, providing an immediate rehabilitation of function and aesthetics in addition to getting greater acceptance and satisfaction of the patient. However, proper planning is critical, careful execution and adoption of a technique with scientific basis, for the use of this technique is only justified when well indicated and with careful analysis, respecting all clinical determinants and not excluding the conventional technique.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Jamille dos Passos Lacerda, Igor Rodrigo Guilherme de Araújo, Eber Coelho Paraguassu, Anneli Mercedes Celis de Cardenas, Rodrigo Nabuco Vançan, Adelcio Machado dos Santos