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social dentistry
dental education
difficulties in providing care in the SUS
DCN dentistry

How to Cite

José Esteves Xavier, A., Lagos, L. G. F., & Anjos , R. S. dos. (2024). ODONTOLOGIA SOCIAL: AVANÇOS E DESAFIOS NA FORMAÇÃO DE PROFISSIONAIS PARA O ATENDIMENTO NO SUS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(10), 2218–2228. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n10p2218-2228


The training of health professionals with a professional profile to work in the SUS is a challenge due to the curriculum based mainly on pathophysiology and clinical anatomy. The need to bring experiences from the field of reality into the practice of teaching and professional training has proved essential to improve the acuity and aptitude of these professionals for better performance in the SUS. Objectives: To present the main challenges and advances that have occurred over the years in dentistry teaching in order to improve the training of professionals capable of working in the SUS. Methodology: The bibliographic survey was carried out through online access to BVS Brasil and SCIELO BRASIL, in Portuguese, over the last 20 years. Results: Only 5 articles were included in the survey, when applying eligibility criteria and excluding duplicates. Discussion: The study showed that although some progress has been made, there are challenges that have persisted over the years and remain an obstacle to be overcome. Conclusion: Dental training needs to change if professionals are to be able to work in the SUS.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Alexei José Esteves Xavier