The immune system is characterized as our body's defense against pathologies that can harm our body, as opposed to depression and a mental illness. Thus, the problem that guided this research was: what is the relationship between depression and the immune system? In order to answer the question, the general objective of this work was to describe the available scientific knowledge about the factors that evidence the relationship between depression and the immune system. To achieve the proposed objectives, it was decided to carry out an integrative review. For this study, information obtained from the survey of scientific articles on depression, the immune system and also on its association, whose descriptors were: depression, immune system, neurobiology, relationship between depression and the immune system were used. The review was carried out by consulting articles available in the Virtual Health Library – VHL. Thus, the research identified the relationship of depression as a factor associated with immune deficiency and also on the involvement of other pathologies and reactions in the body. Even though there are few literatures on the subject, it was possible to prove the relationship between depression pathology and the immune system.
Keywords: Immune system; Depression; Neurobiology.
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