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Resorption; external resorption; treatment; etiology

How to Cite

Tomazinho, L. F., da Silva, P. H. D., Lulo, A. R., Suzzin, G. R., Moreira, G., Comparin, D., Araújo, C. D. S. A., & do Nascimento, V. R. (2023). DEMYSTIFYING EXTERNAL ROOT RESORPTION – LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(3), 1280–1292.


Dental resorptions are classified according to their etiology and location. Knowledge of the different types of resorptions is essential for a good diagnosis and successful treatment. They develop from a triggering factor and in the presence of a maintenance factor. Once these factors are removed, there is a great chance that the resorptive process will stop. However, it is important that it be diagnosed early in order to obtain the correct planning of the case, adequate treatment and the most favorable prognosis possible. Recent works demonstrate that computed tomography is superior in efficiency for an accurate diagnosis of these resorptions, when compared to periapical radiographs. The present work aims to discuss, through a literature review, the types of existing external resorptions, these being transitory.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Luiz Fernando Tomazinho, Pedro Henrique Dario da Silva, André Roman Lulo, Gabriella Raitz Suzzin, Guilherme Moreira, Daniel Comparin, Cíntia De Souza Alferes Araújo, Vanessa Rodrigues do Nascimento